Our Lady of Carmel, Edathuruthy
Church Details

Prayer Timings

      Adoration 6.00 a m
      Holy Mass 6.30 a m, 10.30 a m, 5.15 p m.

      Adoration 6.00 a m.
      Holy Mass 6.30 a m.

      Adoration 6.00 a m.
      Holy Mass 6.30 a m.

      Adoration 6.00 a m.
      Holy Mass 6.30 a m.

      Adoration 6.00 a m.
      Holy Mass 6.30 a m.

      Holy Mass, Novena of St.Euphrasia
      6.15 a m, 5.15 p m.

      Holy Mass, Novena of Our Lady of Carmel
      6.15 a m, 5.15 p m.


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