Commr P E George Memo Salvation Army Church, Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram
Church Details

Prayer Timings

      6.00 AM : Knee Drill (Prayer)
      9.00 AM : Holiness meeting
      10.45 AM : Sunday School, Youth fellowship
      6.30 PM : Salvation meeting

      3.00 PM : Home League meeting (Women)

      6:30 PM : Holiness meeting

      10.00 AM : Fasting Prayer

      4.00 PM : Young People's Classes
      5.00 PM : Music Class
      6.00 PM : Bible Class
      7.00 PM : Prayer Cell

2nd and last sundays
      6.30 PM : English Service

2nd saturday
      10.00 AM : Junior Home League
      3.00 PM : Home League

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